River City Candle Co. - JetStream Java

JetStream Java Story and Inspiration

The JetStream Java candle has an amazing coffee scent.  Even my non-coffee drinking customers love burning this candle in their homes.  The aroma is rich and invigorating like freshly brewed coffee in a coffee shop, and comforting like a hot latte on a weekend morning served by someone you love. ❤️

But, what's behind the name and the scent?  It's a truly inspiring story about father/son duo, Reiner Loeffler and Josef Loffler, who transformed a school bus into a mobile coffee shop several years ago in Anderson, SC.  


reiner loeffler


reiner loeffler

JetStream Java would travel to different events to serve coffee, lattes (my favorite!) and sweet treats to the community.

Unfortunately, JetStream Java has been out of commission for a couple years now, but hopefully with some TLC it will be back again serving delicious lattes to the community soon. 

reiner loeffler

In the meantime, its legacy lives on in the form of a rich and invigorating coffee-scented candle that's perfect for burning every day, but will be especially comforting on those crisp, fall weekend mornings. 🍁❤️

reiner loeffler